Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TeeVee Wasteland

“Fifty-seven channels and nothin’s on…”
                                                --Bruce Springsteen, Human Touch album
Aren’t you curious?  Don’t you want to know why the Boss felt that way in 1992 and I feel nothing has changed since?  Why children’s television programs espouse adventure, education, moral values, and silliness while the over-12 audience watches graphic sex, violence, and ‘news’?  I think it’s a natural progression.  Not for the audience. The writers of said programs are busy shedding the 'kids writer' tag faster than formal gowns on prom night.  Those writers flock to FOX News or a series show like “Two and a Half Men” and enjoy realizing their potential (he said in titanic struggle to keep a straight face).  However, I like my TV with equal parts challenge, revelation, and catharsis.
I last made time for a weekly sitcom with the second “Newhart” show (see 1990).  The last challenging cathartic drama? The West Wing.  Granted, I do surf channels and find the occasional pearl among swine (The Wire, Weeds, Breaking Bad) but quality writing and concepts shouldn’t be that rare.
FUN FACT: The longest-running TV show presently on the air?  Sesame Street, at 42 years.  Nothing else comes close.  Because they keep a pulse on trends in parenting and education—going multi-lingual, multi-national, dealing with single parents, bullying…ie, listening to viewers.
ABC, FOX, and the A&E networks websites basically say: “You’ll eat it and you’ll like it!”  They do not accept viewer suggestions and seek only feedback on present programs.
Aren’t you curious why there are dozens of reality shows (mostly about competitive attention-hounds) and none following positive role model groups like Americorps or Boy Scouts or The Red Cross?  Car, Clothing and Beer sponsors didn’t ask for them?  I didn’t ask to see ‘Real Spoiled Housewives of Red Hook’ (and the sponsors that love them), so why is it there? 
Don’t you want to know how The History Channel justifies airing Ice Road Truckers when only 1-in-8 high school seniors pass U.S. history? There is a legion of historical reenactors out there who deserve some exposure for the passion they put in beyond their non-history 9-to-5 jobs.  Ever been to Colonial Williamsburg?  Or Plimouth Plantation?  Professionals with a passion for history at those and other locations--role models again.
“These new history series sponsored by the computer company that furnishes your school’s equipment (or breakfast cereal conglomerate #1).”  And I’m just spitballing here, folks! 
I think television is a lens revealing—or dictating--our appetites.  Back in the day, there were commercials selling cigarettes, kids. Cigarettes!  Self-destructive appetites, welcome to the small screen.  Then, the viewers and medical organizations said STOP…and they did. 
Now in written & “reality” genres, we have 101 ways to murder/fornicate/sue people.  Are we that bloodthirsty?
If you’re worried about society and still a TV fan, you can re-program.  Sweeps month is here.  Use your remote (or smart-phone or Netflix list) to vote for what you--and your children--want to see.  Or pitch the ideas I’ve offered to a production company or your local affiliate. 
Aren’t you curious what TV would look like if you (and the Boss) got 57 channels of the A-material?


  1. Walking Dead.

    Also, don't visit the Sesame Street website today--apparently it was hacked and showing porn. 0.o

  2. TLC used to be "The Learning Channel." Now it's mostly known as the "Kate Plus Whatever" channel. Sad.
